How Wide?
Well I got to looking at my blog and decided that it was too narrow, thus causing a need to do a lot of scrolling, which I hate. Therefore I took on the task of editing the template to get what I wanted. I like the final result, but man did it take forever. I had to go and save all the pictures and then edit them in Paint and then post them on a fileshare site and then paste that link into the html. The font got a lot bigger after that so I didn't gain anything, so I had to go change all of those because instead of putting a font size they did it by percentages... ugh. I finally went and downloaded the code for recent posts because I hated scrolling all the way down just to see if someone posted on one of the older topics. I also added a bunch of links to some sites I like as well as a link to Ryan's site that is finally containing something besides a construction sign and an email address. I recommend checking it out, it has got some cool posts. Well anyways, I think that is about all for the day so let me know what you think of the new changes. You can use pretty much any other blogspot site as a comparison since they are all about the same demensions. Blessings!
Yeah, changing up the blog, adding functionality, etc. takes a long time, but it's definitely fun...and addictive. The new "wide" look looks good...
yeah i know what you mean by addictive. It kept turning into just one more thing, and then another, and so on and so on.
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