The Refinement of Manhood

" I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, 'They are my people,' and they will say, 'The LORD is our God.' " Zechariah 13:9


What a Weekend

Well this weekend was really interesting, and long, and I am glad it is over ... kinda . For some reason Satan was on the prowl and I started having a lot of spiritual warfare yesterday morning. This is something I am hearing a lot of lately, especially from people that are going to Guatemala with me, so please be praying about that for us. Anyways I went to R.O.A.M. and it was so awesome. I really look forward to having some time to go through the material in more depth with my friends. I then went and led class prayer and then went to service. I had to sit downstairs because they blessed the us since this was the last service before we leave for the mission field. After that I went to class and then to our class vision meeting. I felt bad because I was tired and after being out in the sun and not shaving for a few days I looked horrible. So I decided to run home and shave and get into some clean clothes. I then had to go back to the church for the last Guatemala meeting where I got my plane ticket and last minute details. After that I went over to Jay and Ashley Brown's for dinner with them, Leslie and Casey. It was really nice sitting around just chilling after all the business of the day. Unfortunately I had to run quick because I was meeting some friends at the theater to watch the final installment of Star Wars. But Ashley is so awesome, she sent cookies with me for everyone else... hmm chocolate chip! So star wars... What an awesome movie!!! I really enjoyed myself and thought that Lucas did the final film of the prequel trilogy justice by including huge battles, and amazing lightsaber duels with minimal corny jokes and bad romance plots. Once the movie let out I finally made it home and once the excitement wore off I realized how exhausted I was. So I finally slept in my own bed which was so nice (no offense to Robbie's couch) ... unfortunately the alarm went off and now I am here at work.


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