The Refinement of Manhood

" I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, 'They are my people,' and they will say, 'The LORD is our God.' " Zechariah 13:9


Cuba Day 1 5/27/06

Well we took off from Houston after getting up at 4 am to go to Miami. After going though getting our Visa's and grabbing lunch at a pizza place we boarded our Gulfstream. When I left I was anticipating a nice private plane, but this was a prop plane from the 70's with 3 seats to a row and enough room for the 27 of us and our baggage.

From the beginning things have been different and difficult. I can definitely tell I am not in the States or even a democratic country. Oppression is almost palatable in the air. Coming through customs was a huge challenge. We brought baseball uniforms in duffel bags for a children's ministry that we were trying to help out. Because we didn't have the proper documentation and local representation they confiscated the bags and we don't really know what is going to happen to them. We had also brought bibles to share with our friends in Cuba as many don't have a bible or lack things like concordances and study references. Many of these were carried in the same bags but we were able to get those out and put them with our luggage. (A guy from our church came and was able to get all of the equipment and uniforms out a couple of days later and get them to the ministry. I pray that the Lord would use these things to make His name great!)

Already I am tired and it is very hot and humid, even worse than Houston. The A/C in out hotel isn't working all that great so our room is very balmy and stale. The food is pretty good so far though a little more expensive than I expected, actually pretty equivalent to the prices here in the US. Definitely need to be mindful of my funds that I have been provided with so I have enough for the whole week.


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